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Check out this Caddy.
See if you can tell where the
car ends and reality begins!
Oh my god! I found a car that
looks worse than mine!

I can't read the price on this one
It's either $5 or $500. Either way,
it looks like a pretty bad deal!
You'd be better off with a
bicycle than with this car.
Tree good...
...car bad.
Here's a Ford Pinto which looks
like it just rolled off the
showroom floor.
Disadvantage of owning a
car with this many stickers:
If someone adds a sticker that says,
"This car is gay", it could take
weeks before you spot it!
"I knew I should've
bought that Impala!!"

Price of fancy sports car: $66,500
Price of trailer used to carry sports car: $500
Price of pickup truck used to tow trailer: $20,000
Look on your face when you realize
you just wasted $67,000: Priceless!
I'm sure there's something pretty
funny that can be said about this car.
But I can't quite pinpoint what it is.
(Months later, I took this photo
of the car sitting on its rotor
with a tow-away sticker on its
windshield. Now that's funny!)
Fire department is standing by...
I think they're deciding whether
this car deserves a "controlled burn"
Furnished apartment for rent.
2 bedroom, 1 bath, 4 wheel drive. I swear I see entertainment centers
for flat screen TVs in there.
This police car is a beater.
Any car with at least one
missing wheel cover looks
like a beater in my opinion.
This covers anything
from a 1954 Studebaker
to a $300,000 Ferrari!
Someone must have stolen their roof!
I mean, the vinyl is just gone, even though
the rest of the car looks brand new!
Update! Here's another
Town Car with a similar problem
Step 1: Drive to grocery store
Step 2: While in grocery store,
subconsciously convince yourself
that you don't own a car
Step 3: Walk home from
the grocery store
Yes, even hondas require a little TLC
(and a new engine once in a while)
I Left My Bumper
In San Francisco
I've heard of a front end alignment.
This truck needs a rear end alignment!
Max capacity: 2,000 lbs.
...or 12 feet high...
whichever comes first.
Looks like the heat shield
couldn't withstand re-entry.
That's a pretty good idea...
buying a car which is approximately
the same color as duct tape!
These folks must
be storm chasers.
It appears they found one.
This is either a toyota or a
mercedes, it's hard to tell...
It broke down on the road,
apparently because
the muffler fell off! Scroll
to right to see police car!
Help...I'm falling to pieces!
This car did not have a make
or model printed anywhere
on the front, back or sides of
the car. I think the manufacturer
was so ashamed of their
creation that they didn't put their
name on it! Either that, or it's
one of those new generic cars.
They tied down the hood.
Does that mean they actually
drive this heap? Oh my!
I never cared too much for mini-vans
I think this may be the reason why.
This car has a place
for two license plates!
Perhaps one is for the car while
the other is for its antlers!
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