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In case you're in the market for another car, this should give you a good
idea how the different makes and models will hold up in an accident. I believe
I have most or all of these cars beat in terms of durability. There's only one car
I know of which could demolish mine. I think it was the Imperial. I heard
they were banned at demolition derbies because no other car could beat them.
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Here's a nissan or toyota. Based on
the damage, I'd say it hit a shopping
cart. In fact, it looks like the shopping
cart held up better than the car!

Here's a honda which appears to have
hit something which was pretty soft.
Perhaps it was another honda. Never
buy a car which has "duh" in the name!!

If this Thunderbird hit a car like mine,
I'm sure it drove away without a scratch.
If, however, it ran into a small nissan or
something, you can bet that someone
spent some time in the hospital...and I
bet it wasn't the occupants of the T-bird!

This is a pretty good sized car.
Damage like this to a big steel bumper
usually indicates a fairly serious
collision. I'd hate to see the other car.

Boy, they sure don't build them like they
used to. This car didn't last very long.

Surprisingly enough, the owner
of the Caprice here didn't drive away
from the accident. I imagine they could
have, but elected to have a mechanic
look it over first. The other cars involved
will probably never drive again.

This is an old Impala which appears
to have been hit by a compact
car at about 40 mph. Either that,
or it was hit by a shopping cart.

Another compact car falls
victim to a shopping cart.

This is no way to treat a new mini-van.
Note the string used to tie down the hood.
And I thought that tactics such as these
were reserved for old beaters like mine!

Dented hood, doughnut on
right front. Pretty sad honda...

How do you do this to a car?
Did a faulty tire cause it? Did it crash?

Another old boat, undaunted
by its minor battle scars.

Sideswiped Plymouth. I bet the
door doesn't open too well.
Here's another car which looks
like the door would be hard to open.

This could very well be the mustang I
crashed into, since it is frequently parked
about 100 feet from where I hit it, and
also because of the damage on the front.
The girl who was driving the mustang I
hit told me she gets in a lot of accidents.
This is a fairly new Mark III, you
know... one of the plastic ones. I am
surprised at how minimal the damage
is here. Perhaps it was hit by a
bicyclist or a Big Wheel(TM)
I assume that this truck has
been in at least one accident.
But, since it's perhaps as strong
as my car, you really can't see any
accident damage...just age damage!

This Pontiac looks like a fairly
strong car, so this was
probably no small crash.

I could cause this kind of damage
to volkwagens all day long with
little or no visible damage to
my car...if I wanted to that is.
I don't think this Mustang was in an accident.
I think it IS an accident. It has been parked at
our apartment complex for months in this same
condition. Note the puddle of oil and the exhaust
system laying on the ground. I'll stick with Chevy.
Was drinking involved? If so, it was
probably the driver of the mercedes who was
drinking, since it appears that it crossed
the center divider. Poor Budeiser van!
It is very rare indeed to find a car which
is even approximately the same color
as mine. This Camaro is a good
match. It's about a '75 I guess...with a dent.
I'm sorry, but this car looks
even worse than mine!
Bet he'd sell this for a
stick of gum and a few

This car too is very close to the color
of my car. Not a bad looking vehicle.
If I ever decide to get a compact
car, this just might be the one!!

Shake, rattle, roll, ding, twist.
Check out my rear view mirror!

This car looks as strong as my
car, but it sure doesn't act like it!

New for 1994...it's the
Buick Sideswiper

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