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This is Edith. Be sure to see Archie, Gloria and Meathead too!
Here is the actual image I saw of the
car which made me decide to buy it!

Here's the car on the delivery
truck when it arrived.

This is how many bugs Edith
can kill in 1,000 miles!

This is how many bugs can kill
Edith's paint in 1,000 miles!

Another view of the
insect carnage

Dried up, cracked

Stylish trunk label!

Minor crunch

Water damage!

Edith's biggest dent!

Other dent

More photos of Edith!
Edith And Archie Together!
Plans for Edith's future:
Another oil change.
Get the brakes, steering and suspension inspected.
Body work & paint job.
Replace or repair things that break or fall off. After all this work
she'll deserve a vacation to Cancun or maybe
a nice Dominican Republic all inclusive trip."
Buy Edith
Edith is currently for sale for only $112,000! E-mail me if interested.
Serious inquiries only! If you're on a budget, you might consider purchasing Archie instead.
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