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This guy was standing while riding his motorcycle. It was raining, so I figure he just didn't want to get his butt wet. Good thing there's an ambulance nearby, cause that looks a little dangerous!
Back to zero in 50 years.
Someone please paint me!
Is that a bird, airplane or fish swimming across the tailgate?
 Ok, the directions say "Turn right on Grovers..." Uh, what if Grovers is driving down the freeway at 60 mph?
What a beast!
It even has a cemetary on the side!
The Pancake Express!
The Bargain Bus!
A yard sale on wheels!
The Ghetto Bus!
Other side of the Ghetto bus!
BMW (Broke My Wheels)
Weight reduction tactics
"May I help you, sir?" "I need one of these... and one of those... oh, and a large container of glue.
"May I help you, sir?" "I need one of these... and one of those... oh, and a large container of glue.
"May I help you, sir?" "I need one of these... and one of those... oh, and a large container of glue.
Edith trying to be funny
Cardboard window... gotta love that!
What a clown!
 Uh, that's kinda mean.
After-market tailgate!
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