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Infiniti. Yeah, that's about
what it'll cost to get fixed!
Doesn't it look like
this car is crying?
Well, it's a pretty color anyway.
It's amazing this thing still drives!
Nothing a little plastic
surgery can't fix.
Nice old Nova. Shame it's
been brutalized so bad!
The quality of this photo isn't too good.
But you can still see that the
back of this truck is sticking out of
the windshield of the car behind it.
Gee! Oh!
Owner's Manual page 87:
Don't park on train tracks.
I bet this truck still runs, but it
must be tough to see over the hood
Are there any cars left that
haven't been hit yet?
Car for sale, but please
don't look at this side
of it until after you buy it
I didn't do it...I swear!
Another car for sale. If you can
make out the phone number
(and are attracted to the lovely
damage on the rear) give 'em a call!
Since I know the owner of this
vehicle, I won't say anything
mean...except that he should
probably learn how to drive.
Another car assaulted
by a shopping cart
It's not so bad...
only a quarter of the
car is totalled...
This car had a temporary plate on it,
like they just bought it. i wonder if it
crashed before or after they bought it!
Chevy Power!
It's not so bad...
only a quarter of the
car is totalled...
You can't win 'em all.
Hey, they can't stay new forever!
Yes, breathe right into the tube.
Check it out...
This cop is doing
the Hokey Pokey!
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